Semi-desert plants of Kyrgyzstan and permaculture/ Кыргызстандын жарым чөл өсүмдүктөрү жана пермакультура This book is about semi-desert plants located in the southwestern part of Issyk-Kul. The region has little snow and rain It is known for its rains and strong
“Kyzyl-Oruk” festival
Dear travelers and guests of Kyrgyzstan, We invite you to the wonder of natural agriculture “Kyzyl-Oruk festival. You can enjoy participating in traditional games and dances, folk concert and master classes on making felt toys and many other interesting activities!
Our project participants in Uchkun village (Naryn) established “Baichik” cooperative to provide fresh vegetables to Naryn region.
“We want to showcase successful examples of farming to the residents of our village, which will help us develop faster” Mirbek Karabalayev, project participant and chairman of the “Baichik” cooperative. It’s time to delve into the fascinating world of cooperative
Garden design and practical tips
Practical tips how to design your garden saving a space, and getting more yield
Birdwatching trips for students
The two-day trip was organized in late May and early June not to interfere with the studying process. At the beginning, a safety briefing was given to all participants. The first day of the excursion took place in Manzhyly-Ata valley.
Our harvest
Online consultations with international experts on permaculture from Italy and Sweden
How to handle running a permaculture project in a country without a single permaculture specialist? While we were planning our permaculture project, we aimed to involve an Italian permaculture specialist Simone Ferraretto. However, due to COVID-19 restrictions and border closures,
Online session with Swedish gender specialist Maria Petersson on gender rights
COVID-19 has opened a number of new possibilities, including the organization of online sessions with international experts. As part of our activity, we try to educate our staff and our local partners. In November 2021, Maria Petersson from our partner
Training for local authorities on land rights of women
In October 2021, we organized a two-day session for representatives of 9 municipalities from Tong district, Issyk-Kul oblast on Land and Water Codes, land rights of women and land issues that often arise at the level of local municipalities. Within
Visit to permaculture farm “Ecomysl” led by Andrej Kiashko in Grigorievka
For many people familiar with the term, permaculture is associated with gardening or a type of organic agriculture. For people who are deeply involved, permaculture can also be a way of life. Even though permaculture is an unknown and unheard