Since July 2020, we are implementing the project “Birds of Issyk-Kul” – promoting collaborative efforts for wetlands and waterfowl conservation” in the south-west of Issyk-Kul lake. The given project is funded by the US Embassy in Kyrgyzstan, through the Small Grants Programme.
This one-year project aimed at facilitating wetlands and waterfowl conservation through the collaborative engagement of local municipalities, stakeholders, non-government organizations and local beneficiaries (local farmers and village citizens).
As part of the project, El-Too implemented the following activities to reach our goals:
1. Conducted a baseline study (the Russian version of the report is available here) to study the current situation of wetlands and waterfowl, such as the role of local municipalities, environmental awareness and practices of local population, measures, the level of cooperation between state and non-state actors and analysis of legal acts in this area.
2. Strengthened the role of local municipalities and facilitated collaborative approach between local stakeholders and beneficiaries, NGOs and state actors in addressing wetlands and waterfowl conservation through regular meetings of working groups that consisted of the above-mentioned actors. During the meetings of discussion groups, we analyzed the gaps in wetlands conservation, discussed and planned joint activities (such as promoting citizen science, ecological tours in the area and strengthening the scientific component of nature reserves).
3. Increased knowledge and understanding of local actors (municipality representatives and beneficiaries including school students) on wetlands and waterfowl conservation measures and legal acts through:
- Public sessions
- Film on wetlands and waterfowl conservation
- Series of educational seminars for schoolchildren, youth, women
- Judicial consultations to duty bearers
- Media and information campaign
As a result of our efforts, local environmental activists opened a micro-reserve “Ak-Bulun – ECO” for protection of water birds in Kara-Talaa village with an area of 305 ha. This area was formerly used for livestock grazing. However, our joint activities with local activists persuaded local population to rent the area for organizing a micro-reserve for 5 years.

You can read more about our project from the blogs below